Friday, November 26, 2010


So, today my dad asked me if I wanted to go with him to get his hair cut. (His hair was pretty long, like, past his shoulders.) At first I said no, but then I figured I could get my hair cut too, because over the summer I got bangs cut and they didn't really understand what I was asking for. I got my hair cut and I am soooo EXCITED! What better a way to go back to school than with a rockin' hair cut? I love it.
Until next time,
Kelsey Hedges

Love your hair cut too, Jamie!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Chapter One: Behind Enemy Lines

The prologue wasn't the end! I have so much more to show you. Please enjoy a first look at chapter one so far.

Chapter One: Behind Enemy Lines"Sir, yes, Sir!" the hunters exclaimed in unison. "We will find the ten remaining Mythics!" As they marched away from my surveillance camera and into the darkness, I realized that they were talking about us. "Mythics," where had I heard that before? I sat pondering for a moment, loosely hanging to reality with the single thread of thought that remained there.

I gasped at my stupidity as I finally recollected my memories and found what I'd been looking for. I had heard it once in a book. It was the name given to those who practiced witch craft and wizardry.

At this I shuddered; how could they confuse our powers as witch craft? As I sat in my plain green office chair and wondered, thinking through the entire situation though their eyes, I noticed something moving slyly toward the camera.

I brought my attention to the apparent leader of the hunters. He stood with his shoulders slightly arched, and a abhorrent grin on his face. Chills ran up my spine as he inched closer, all the while making clear eye contact with the camera. My heart began to race as he finally reached it and began to cachinnate. My body had been left behind while my soul had run for help. I was stuck in a motionless stare as he continued with this torture. He pulled up a chair, sat down, and looked directly at the camera once again. "So, I hear you've been sneaking around our base, stealing documents and such," he said still grinning. "Now that's gonna stop young lady, or we're gonna have a problem." His voice became stern as he raised his hand and the screen went black.

At this moment, Zach ran into the room. Wounds ran up his arm and he was loosing blood fast. I had to do something, but I didn't know what to do. Our medic was away collecting ingredients for some remedies. I quickly, swiftly, and carefully, ripped my left sleeve off in order to make a bandage.

Zach's face was red and he was barely breathing at this point. I took his hand and began to whisper to him, "It's alright, I got it, just calm down." I sat him down in my chair, and in a mad rush to help him grabbed a vile of mushroom root and dabbed it into his bleeding wounds.

Suddenly Preston jumped into the room; he fell to his knees and panted without end. "Preston, help me, Zach is hurt!" I vociferated with tears rolling down my face violently as rapids down a river. Both of my teammates were down, and I with no power had not been through training. What could I have done? I wrapped the bandage that I had previously ripped from my sleeve quickly around Zach's arm and went to help Preston.

He had managed to get back to his feet, but still he was unable to communicate what had happened. I ran outside to get some water from the river, when I was bombarded by a group of hunters armed and ready to fire. As instinct to avoid any harm to me or my team members, I clapped my hands together and closed my eyes. There was a rustling of leaves, and a bit of terrified screams, and then they were gone.

I snickered at their predictability and continued my original task. I had to get water for Preston

Merry Thanksgiving, And Happy Christmas

Merry Thanksgiving! My favorite part of Thanksgiving is looking at the turkey before you season it and saying, "Eww... I have to eat that?" What's yours? I'd like to know because... Well, I just do, ok?
~Kelsey, Curious Person

Happy Christmas!

P.S. is an abriviation for Post Script; P.P.S. stands for Post Post Script.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My new work in progress...

I began writing a book in September this year. It isn't done and I don't expect it to be any time soon, but I thought I'd give you a sneak peak of the magic going on in my head at the moment.

A brisk wind filled the air of the barren plain. I walked slowly toward my opponent; fear consumed my mind, yet none escaped into the now increasingly tense stare in my eyes as the beast began to glare through his thick black fur. We began circling eachother. I looked anxiously for a weak point in his stance, but there didn't seem to be one. There wasn't anything I could do to kill him at the moment and I was running out of time.

In a split second, a sword appeared peircing through the fur of the beast. I watched wide-eyed and shaking with fear as the onyx black worgen fell to the ground, and the shining glisten of the sword tip slid with ease out of the worgen's body and back into its holster.

I then fixed my gaze on the worgen's killer and became flustered and angry. I glared at Zach. He held out his arms as if expecting a hug, but he had another thing coming. I raised my hand to slap him when he grabbed my wrist softly but firmly and pulled me into his arms. "Don't get angry just because I'm faster to get the kill, Kelsey," he said resting his head on my shoulder. "Alright, if your shirt weren't so soft, you'd be dead right now mister," I said annoyed by his arrogance. He just smiled and giggled at this and we rushed off to camp, his arm around me, and my hand in his.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kelsey who?

Kelsey me!!! I'm Kelsey and I am a GT student in the 6th grade. I enjoy drawing and writing stories. I'm always glad to help those in need and I love seeing comments that construct upon, or start conversations about, the work that I spend so much time and devotion to bring you all. This is not a well-known website right now, but in time it will be. I can't wait to get talking with all of you who are interested in me and my projects and I hope that you're all doing well.